Technologies and innovations have great potential to counteract poverty. As a country that has one of the most developed economies and strong, innovative
industries, Germany is a world leader. This country is at the forefront of engineering, healthcare and, more recently, renewable energy technology. Most
communities in Africa need access to advanced technologies to combat the impact of poverty. This is mainly caused by resource management – ​​unfortunately
ineffective in the long term – and by climate change. Effective management of natural resources, on the other hand, would not only result in new economic options
for African communities.

German-Africa Insight (GAI) eV carries out assessments for the special needs of communities in Africa in cooperation with a network of innovative German
companies, research institutes, investors and volunteers. The aim is to set up a network in which the various project participants are involved: They should exchange
their knowledge and best practices, enable technology transfer, and promote cooperation on technical innovations, their adaptation and implementation.

Our current projects focus on capacity building in Africa. The aim is to establish sustainable and renewable energies in different areas. It is also about finding suitable
and cost-effective solutions for this, which can be adapted to the needs of local communities and to the respective circumstances. This concerns, among other things,
more sustainable methods of construction practice on site, more efficient management of waste disposal and electricity generation from renewable energies.