Coming Events for African Organisations in Germany (September to December 2021) – Register Now for „Free Online Workshops, Coaching and Counselling”
HippoDile – Coaching & Workshops für MDO´s und MSO´s
The aim of the Workshops and Coaching is to help African Organisations in Germany gain more knowledge and ensure smooth and conflict-free running of their Organisations. The Workshops and Counselling will be offered to both registered and about to be registered (non-registered) African initiatives here in Germany. We are including non-registered because formation and registration of Associations is also a challenge to many!
Contact now by sending:
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Please state the name and address of your Organisation as well as Organisation`s representatives that will participate in the 10 workshops treating different topics as well as in the Coaching / Help-desk hours. Note that the number of participants is limited, therefore, register now, it is first come first serve.
For the Coaching Sessions, please also state the issues and topics you will need help and advice on (see list below). This will enable linking you with the right Experts. The Coaching / help-desk hours can be through telephone or Zoom! A total of 80 hours of coaching and counselling will be offered during this period!.
Speakers & Coaches:
Dr. Rachid L’Aoufir – Berlin
Edith Otiende-Lawani (Lawyer / Jurist) – Munich
Akinola Famson (Coach & Counsellor) – Berlin
Dr. W. Urbain N’Dakon – Fulda
Dr. Jane Ayeko-Kümmeth – Bayreuth
Amanuel Amare – CEO Migrafrica – Cologne
Prof. Dr. Sama Mbang – Stuttgart
Dr. Engr. Valéry Tchanque Kemtchou – Pforzheim
Dr. Mariame Racine Sow – Soziologin & Pädagogin – Frankfurt
Abdou Rahime Diallo -(Coach & Counsellor) – Berlin
Dr. Melanie Mbah – Freiburg
Some of the issues and matters to be treated during the Coaching, Counselling / help-desk hours are:
– How to form, register and manage Organisations?
– Non-profit status
– Formation of gGmbH (gemeinnützige GmbH)
– Constitution writing including clear definition of Aims and Objects of an organisation!
– Constitution Review (for already registered Associations);
– Personnel & Conflict management: Conflict resolution between Exco, Board or Members
– Financial management; Association Finance and Fundraising
– Project financing; how to secure Funds / Grants from German governments and agencies
– Public Relations (improving PR between Organisation and the Public)
– Filing up annual reports
– Registration of foreign branches
– Transition from a grass root organisation to a financially stabilized organization.
– How to strengthen the transnational and communal networks of the organization?
– How to bind the members and other stakeholders?
– How to combine earning a living and voluntary work?
Workshop Topics:
– Gründung, Führung und Arbeitswerkzeuge, Konfliktlösung innerhalb der Vereinsstruktur
– Vereinsfinanzierung und Fundraising, Projektidee & Entwicklung
– Migrantenorganisationen (MO) als Arbeitsgeber und Führung heute!
– Wissenstransfer: Vom Brain Drain zum Brain Gain – Engagement von Diaspora-Organisationen in Afrikanowledge transfer
– Netzwerk und Tools, Projektentwicklung und Management
– Ziele, Wirkung und Problem Analyse in der Projektentwicklung
– Besprechungen / Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
– Interne & Externe Kommunikationskanäle
– Was braucht es für eine starke Community / Vision Building
– Know-How & Expertisen in der deutsch-afrikanischen Vereinsarbeit
– Wie entsteht Vertrauen zwischen meiner Initiative und öffentlichen Verwaltungen?
– Wie funktioniert die deutsche Zivilgesellschaft? Was kann man über zivilgesellschaftliches Handeln in Deutschland erreichen?
* There maybe changes or variation on the Workshop Topics
Likely days for the Workshops and Coaching are Thursdays from 17.00 – 19.00 hours and/or Saturdays 10.00 – 12.00 Noon. Exact dates and time will be sent to you later! If any Organisation cannot make it at the given time, then it can make appointment and another day and time can be given to it by the Coaches!
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